Cougar Hat!

I’ve already shown some Vandal Pride with my pattern for the Baby Vandal Helmet, so I guess it was time to show some WSU Coug pride around here as well. I do love how much school spirit there is in these towns of ours! And working in Pullman this past year I’ve definitely seen a lot of Coug Pride! For my sweet little friend Jaiden for her 2nd birthday she is getting her own Coug Hat!




coughat4This last picture of Sam has me rolling on the floor. I told him to say Cheese! And he took that to mean I was giving him some cheese, and he got really excited about the prospect of getting cheese. I couldn’t very well not give him a cheese stick after that, now could I? Could you say no to that face?


6 thoughts on “Cougar Hat!

  1. You can buy bags of stuffing at the craft stores, made for stuffing toys/stuffed animals etc. I buy the stuff when I have 40% off coupons and one bag will last me forever. I think it’s called Polyfill or something like that?

  2. The hat is so cute!!!! You did a great job!! I love the little bow :). Sam is getting so big!! He is such a cutie :).

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