Sam’s Monthly Photo

I’m doing a photo project with Sam where I take a picture every month with the same object, or in the same place. I haven’t narrowed it down between these 3 yet. But I’ll continue to update this page every month with a new picture!

With his bear-
Month 1:

Month 2:

Month 3:

Month 4:

Month 5:

Month 6:

Month 7:

Month 8:

 Month 9 (Not sure which one to pick!):

Month 10:

Month 11:

Month 12:

In his crib-
Month 1:

Month 2:

Month 3:

Month 4:

Month 5:

Month 6:

Month 7:

Month 8:

Month 9:

Month 10:

Month 11:

Month 12:

With crocheted pillow-
Month 1:

Month 2:

Month 3:

Month 4:

Month 5:

Month 6:

Month 7:

Month 8:

Month 9:

Month 10:

Month 11:

Month 12:

10 thoughts on “Sam’s Monthly Photo

  1. Pingback: Month 2 |

  2. Pingback: Month 3 | Knittybutton

  3. His growth is certainly showing and the cuteness is just intensified in that adorable and pinchable cheeks!! BLESS all and love always!!

  4. Pingback: Month 4 | Knittybutton

  5. Pingback: Month 5 | Knittybutton

  6. Looks like a good growth this past month and cuter than ever….such a cutie….

  7. What a great idea! It’s great to see how he’s grown over time, and I’m sure Samuel will enjoy seeing these photos when he’s older. I wish I would have done something like this, but it somehow doesn’t seem relevant to start when my LO is 8.5 months old! 🙂

  8. Pingback: Persephone Monthly Photo: Month 1 | Knittybutton

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